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Monday, January 28, 2008

Things i bought in Japan (Part II)

Again, another review.. :P This time is Final Fantasy stuff, cannot tahan.. So bought it.. It is Final Fantasy 7 10th Anniversary Special Edition book with Potion! Ya, is potion, the one we use in game to heal our charater. Haha..

The design for the potion really good, it is really looked like the potion in the game Crisis Core. Haha.. Really Nice, and the potion can be drink. I will keep it first until i being hit by monster, Haha. No la, kidding.. really got monster meh?? :P That's all for this time. Stay tune.


Anonymous said...

Wah~ the potion really can drink? I want to try~ wahaha~ maybe after got more energy~ yeah...

Anonymous said...

take the potion back here and we drink together..hahaha..

Anonymous said...

how much it cost???
so special..will u bring bc to Malaysia??

ismeweiwei said...

don't forget buy something for me.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

LMAO! What will happen 2 us after we drink that potion? =p

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